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Many people resent the holiday season for being busy, stressful, expensive, and exhausting. Since these holidays are meant to be a time of joy, where does all this negativity come from? It can be hard for people who are grieving over the loss of a loved one or a relationship, especially if it’s the first holiday since the loss. But, many times it’s a direct result of personal choices and perspectives.

Negative attitudes can develop when we fail to take good care of ourselves – and that can be true any time of year. But with the extra crush of business, free flowing drinks and food, this time of year can be the worst.

This season, set a life goal by making self-care a priority in your life. Here are some tips everyone can begin practicing today.

Breathe Deeply

The first exercise of yoga is to use patterned breathing exercises. These focus the attention on the body. They send calming messages to the stressed centers of the mind. Breathing exercises increase oxygen to the brain and improve cognitive function.

Talk it Out

Everyone needs someone to talk to; someone who supports dreams and celebrates goals achieved. They can protect each other’s privacy and dignity. They encourage each other to prioritize self-care. They can support the need to take breaks from holiday activities.

Walk it Off

Exercise burns off negative emotions as well as calories. It relaxes tensed, stressed bodies. It refreshes the perspective. A walk around the neighborhood (or on an exercise machine) can completely change the way a person experiences their day.

Accept What You Can’t Control

A host can’t control the guest who is a chronic latecomer. They can, however, control their emotions and viewpoints on the matter. They can let go of the things they obsess about, but can’t control. Everyone has wasted their energy on issues they could not control themselves. Use that energy on issues that you can actually affect.

Write it Down

Writing out private thoughts can help a person safely express their feelings without judgment. Get those festering inner attitudes out into the light. A person can look at them and see what’s truly there. Is there a particular party someone dreads going to every year? They can learn why they feel that way from their writing. They can use their enlightened insight to decide whether or not to attend. They can choose their physical and emotional health over social obligations; a peer into one’s own soul, if you will.

Greater insight leads to a wiser use of personal energy. This results in life-changing possibilities and can improve the holidays for years to come.

If you are looking for some extra support and would like to schedule a coaching call, please visit my website to connect with me.