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Combatting Fear Through Mindfulness

Combatting Fear Through Mindfulness

There are two major vibrations in our world, there is fear and there is love. They are both powerfully magnetic. We are constantly being pulled towards one or the other. Feelings often present themselves without a known reason. Fear and love are both energetic,...
The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with Good People

The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with Good People

When was the last time you took an objective look at the people in your inner circle to assess how well you align with them, energetically, mentally, and spiritually?  There is an old adage that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with in your life....
The 7 Chakras: A Beginner’s Guide

The 7 Chakras: A Beginner’s Guide

Our natural energy is of the most vital and intrinsic parts of ourselves that everyone should strive to protect and improve on a daily basis. A great way to do so is to first understand the seven chakras of the human body. When our bodies’ energy is blocked in any of...
Balancing Your Energy Levels

Balancing Your Energy Levels

Low energy levels can be challenging to restore and balance out for those not familiar with how to do so. Incorporating healing techniques in your everyday life is essential and something everyone can do themselves. You do not have to be a master of the spiritual arts...